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#BlueCoat spotted in #Syria once again

This is a translation in English by Syria News / Hacktivist (Thanks) available here of our initial paper in french. La mort, en bourse, c'est lucratif We were naively thinking that the US State Department (FR) had managed to decrease Blue Coat’s commercial zeal (FR). But what does a 2.8 million dollars fine represent for a company like Computerlink ? We now have the answer: nothing. We can already expect answers such as “it is not our fault” or “we could not know”.

This is a translation in English by Syria News / Hacktivist (Thanks) available here of our initial paper in french.

La mort, en bourse, c'est lucratif

We were naively thinking that the US State Department (FR) had managed to decrease Blue Coat’s commercial zeal (FR). But what does a 2.8 million dollars fine represent for a company like Computerlink ? We now have the answer: nothing. We can already expect answers such as “it is not our fault” or “we could not know”. It however makes no doubt that they knew it, as this has already been explained and demonstrated. As usual, we are thus now waiting patiently for a Blue Coat denial quickly followed by a confession. Let’s however address right now the possible “we could not know” answer they could give.

Today, a message on IRC attracted our attention over a Pastebin page. This page shows the presence of not less than 34 Blue Coat appliances, which is way more than the number BlueCoat initially confessed for, pretending they could not know how they arrived there.

Blue Coat knows exactly the number of active appliances on the Syrian soil, because their devices contact the firm’s servers as soon as there is a software or filtering list update. Hence, the firm must have seen not less than 34 connections from Syrian IP addresses in their update servers’ logs. And we already know how these devices are used by Syrian ISP, all being under regime’s control.

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