, french leading hack-journalism media, receives death threats
Last week, two of Reflets' sources, who have no relationship with one another(with no link between them ), have kindly passed on conversations they had heard: if Reflets continues its investigation regarding Deep Packet Inspection technologies, Syria, or Libya, the team and Telecomix agents, "will get killed". Sic. Reflets had immediately contacted its lawyer,Olivier Iteanu, and filed a handrail.
Reflets had immediately contacted its lawyer,Olivier Iteanu, and filed a handrail.
Since February 2011, we are trying to raise public attention on sales of Deep Paket Inspection technologies to harsh dictatorships. We all, journalists and DPI key actors, know that DPI is used in thoses countries to identify and track political opposition and its networks, especialy when it comes to selling "nation wide" surveillance system.
Selling such technology under these circumstances is unacceptable. France is not up to its reputation when it helps selling Bull-Amesys surveillance technologies to Guadaffi. France's position is today extremely awkward, acting like a liberator in a country knowing that it was doing precisely the opposite, a few months ago, when it was helping colonel Guaddafi track his opponents.
By its very nature, Reflets is at the forefront when it comes to investigating surveillance technologies. In fact, Reflets' authors are IT experts and journalists. You might have read in our pages, before anywhere else, that western companies, especially French ones, were selling Deep Packet Inspection technologies to...