Network surveillance: Qosmos, a tool provider for Syria's leader al-Assad
Translation from this paper in french by legum, Turquoise, SwissTengu, 4k and four anonymous plus one mysterious eraser. Corrections made by Crousti. Mediapart and start together a three part enquiry on Qosmos. This french company sells an intelligence tool known as a DPI probe. Qosmos is now within the scope of a legal investigation in France for « complicity of torture »; it is suspected to have a part in a massive population surveillance system deployed in Syria back in 2011.
Translation from this paper in french by legum, Turquoise, SwissTengu, 4k and four anonymous plus one mysterious eraser. Corrections made by Crousti.
November 2011: Bloomberg unveils that a French company, Qosmos, leader on network analysis tool known as Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) probing, is a subcontractor of Utimaco. Utimaco is a German corporation which is itself a subcontractor for Area Spa, Italian firm, for a contract on a massive network monitoring system, tailored for Bashar al-Assad. Qosmos PR worsens, as 3000 people have already died from the now 9 month old revolution in Syria.
To limit further bad PR, Qosmos announced the termination of the project, and is still claiming today that its equipment have never reached an operational status in Syria. As the Human Rights League and the International Federation for Human Rights opened a lawsuit and three judges from the Genocides and Crimes against humanity section are investigating, will this line of defense stand ?
Regardless, Qosmos has developed its massive...