Journal d'investigation en ligne et d'information‑hacking
par Antoine Champagne - kitetoa

Tunisie, Libye : perspicacité diplomatique Française

La lecture des câbles diplomatiques publiés par Wikileaks apporte toujours son lot de guignolades. Dernier en date, ce télégramme diplomatique américain qui rapporte la vision de la diplomatie française sur les relations entre notre pays, l'Algérie, la Tunisie et la Libye. Il est daté du 8 février 2010.

La lecture des câbles diplomatiques publiés par Wikileaks apporte toujours son lot de guignolades. Dernier en date, ce télégramme diplomatique américain qui rapporte la vision de la diplomatie française sur les relations entre notre pays, l'Algérie, la Tunisie et la Libye. Il est daté du 8 février 2010. A cette époque, le sous-directeur chargé de l'Afrique du Nord, Cyrille Rogeau ne voyait rien venir des bouleversements dans la région tant il pensait la population Tunisienne "docile" en échange du bonheur apporté par la croissance économique. Un must:

Rogeau claimed French relations with Tunisia have

begun returning to ""normal"" since the December 2009 visit to

Tunis of Frederic Mitterrand, French Minister of Culture and

Communication. After a series of public spats during 2009,

following the Government of Tunisia's strident reaction to

French criticism of their treatment of journalists,

Mitterand's trip reportedly helped diminish lingering

tensions. The French currently perceive Tunisia as the most

stable country in the Maghreb, according to Rogeau. Compared

to their North African neighbors, he argued, Tunisia has a

highly educated population (only a seven percent illiteracy

rate, versus 50 percent in Morocco), with the lowest

unemployment in the region, and a bureaucracy that functions

reasonably well. Tunisia's economy has a strong reputation

in the region, as exemplified by the investment it has

attracted from Gulf countries. Rogeau claimed Tunisians

appear to perceive a link between the practices of a police

state and successful economic development; as a result, they

accept a form of social contract: in exchange for stability

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and growth, the population keeps quiet. Moreover, apart from

Ben Ali's succession, the French do not believe Tunisia faces

destabilizing changes in the near-term. At the same time,

Rogeau observed, Ben Ali's approach entails significant

risks, including the growth of a middle class that demands

more political freedom, and the risk that economic growth

will slow or stop. If the government stops providing

financial and social security, it will have broken the

unspoken contract and the population may become less docile.

¶15. (C) As to one of the journalists whom the Government of

Tunisia has harassed and imprisoned, Taoufik Ben Brik, Rogeau

described him as ""not the best example"" of journalistic

integrity. Rogeau reported that French courts are also

currently pursuing Ben Brik, for having allegedly attacked a

Tunisian woman who has decided to press charges against him

in France. Ben Brik, according to Rogeau, is very well

organized, with many contacts in France whom he has activated

on his behalf. Nonetheless, the French no longer discuss his

case with the Tunisians, Rogeau said. (NOTE: After French

Foreign Minister Kouchner mentioned the case of Ben Brik in

an interview in November 2009, Ben Ali responded angrily,

accusing France, for the first time, of hypocrisy in light of

its colonial history in Tunisia, according to Rogeau and MFA

Tunisia Desk Officer Clemence Weulersse. See Paris Points,

November 13, 2009. END NOTE.)

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¶16. (C) French relations with Libya are ""stable"" at the

moment, according to Rogeau, but the French are growing

increasingly frustrated with the Libyans' failure to deliver

on promises regarding visas, professional exchanges, French

language education, and commercial deals. ""We (and the

Libyans) speak a lot, but we've begun to see that actions do

not follow words in Libya,"" Rogeau lamented. ""The Libyans

talk and talk but don't buy anything (from us). Only the

Italians land any contracts."" The French have made many

gestures, Rogeau claimed, which they believe have not

reciprocated by the Libyans. He did cite one sign of

progress: during his U.N. speech, Libyan leader Qaddafi did

not attack either France or the U.S. directly. ""This

omission was rare. We took note."" Rogeau said France must

be patient, but they will move forward ""with less enthusiasm

than before.""
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