#OpSyria : Why #BlueCoat lied ?
For a few days, Reflets has been looking forward an official denial of the presence of filtering appliances in Syria. Their website did not mention the torrential articles published after our revelations. Neither in the "Press Release", for a denial, nor, - of course - in the "Blue Coat in the News", while BlueCoat was the object of many articles about the presence of its appliances in Syria... Fair enough. But we could have at least expected a disclaimer, a tricky catchphrase.
A few weeks ago, Telecomix, Reflets and FHIMT started OpSyria, an operation aimed to establish direct contacts with Syrian population. We hoped to empower them with means to anonymize their communications, and therefore, to inform us about the situation in the country. Through "Forcing" Internet users of this country to connect to an explanatory page, we have been able to talk with them on an IRC channel (the ancestor of instant messaging). "Forcing" Internet users of this country to connect to our information page, first had implied sort of Syrian Internet's topography. It is during this mapping that Telecomix found appliances (big boxes that make "stuff" to IP packets that travels over the network) from the BlueCoat company. Looking at traces, accessible without hacking machines, it appears that these servers are...